The REAL Reason Spike Cancelled TNA
Shocking news about TNA getting cancelled. Just shocking. Well, technically Dixie and Spike TV officially say that they are still negotiating, but TMZ reported that it’s a done deal, so I don’t know who to believe (that may sound sarcastic, but I really don’t know if a wrestling promotion or TMZ are more likely to tell the truth). Anyway, if it IS true, it’s really unfortunate. I’m not sure if getting kicked off of Spike really is a death knell for TNA because it seems like there are enough other channels available that might be willing to show it. I’m sure it’s a lot harder to find a replacement though without the big names like Hogan and Sting to woo the networks.
I know I don’t say a lot of positive things about TNA here, mostly due to it being a lot easier to draw comics about things I DON’T like, but I’ve enjoyed the promotion a lot more lately since those big names left. I just hope TNA bounces back quick for the sake of the fans and the wrestlers.
p.s. Any resemblance to real or fictional podcasts are purely coincidental.