About Botched Spot

Since 2008 Botched Spot has been parodying, satirizing, and lampooning (whatever I can use to try and get sued the least) professional wrestling culture, be it televised products, internet followings, or live shows. Botched Spot is a political cartoon for dirt sheets, making fun of WWE, TNA, and any other wrestling organizations or personalities I can think of a joke for. The early adventures of my own original characters, Olav Orlav and Rad Bad DeBone, are also found here. Botched Spot updates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

About Over like Olav

Over like Olav is the place to find the current adventures of Olav Orlav, an old school wrestler with an even older-school gimmick, and Rad Bad DeBone, a young wrestler with an optimistic attitude. There’s no set update schedule but updates include several comics at once (4-6).

About the Artist

James Hornsby started watching wrestling in 2004 and has no plans of stopping. Born in a small town in Northern California, he earned his Bachelor’s degree in Studio Art at California State University Chico and his Master of Fine Arts degree in Sequential Art at the Savannah College of Art and Design. He now resides in St. Louis where he tries to figure out what to do with two art degrees. Both comics are drawn in Manga Studio, colored in Photoshop, and lettered with fonts from Blambot.

…I also drew comics for Wrestlicious.