Mysteries the Scooby Gang Needs to Solve While at Wrestlemania
While I can’t say I’ve ever been a huge Scooby Doo fan, I’m actually pretty curious to see what the recently announced Scooby Doo meets WWE movie will end up looking like. According to the press release the plot involves a “ghost bear” trying to ruin Wrestlemania. If someone winds up wrestling this bear, then there’s a pretty good chance I’ll wind up seeing it.
In other news, I’m going to be moving soon, so I’ll need to take a bit of a break from regularly updating Botched Spot. I know, I hate to do it, but just house hunting is stressful enough right now and I still have a bunch of other loose ends I need to tie up before leaving town. I will definitely be back on September 10th though, just in time for Randy Orton week 2012. While I won’t be doing the normal Monday, Wednesday, Friday updates until then, I’ll still try and update if something major happens. For example, if a wrestler slips on a banana peel at Summerslam you can count on there being a comic about it.