Ever since a friend first mentioned “Dinovember” to me a year ago I’ve been eager to take part in it! “What is Dinovember,” you ask? It’s a month long celebration of dinosaurs where every day of November you draw a different picture of a dinosaur and post it online! Sure, it doesn’t get all the press like Inktober (where artists make a new ink drawing every day of October) or Jamuary (where artists draw different pictures of jams, jellies, and preserves every day in January), but it’s still a fun challenge to draw a new dinosaur every day.
For my Dinovember I’m focusing on drawing wrestling themed dinosaurs. I’ve actually really wanted to draw a comic about dinosaur wrestling for a while now but haven’t had the time to do it, so maybe this will help me kickstart some ideas. Here are some of my wrestling dinosaurs so far and I’m posting new ones every day on my twitter, @BotchedSpot
Happy #Dinovember! I'm drawing dinosaur wrestlers, starting with the Iguanodon. Thanks to their thumb spikes, Iguanodons excel at catch wres pic.twitter.com/7YFkgCrmTd
— Botched Spot (@BotchedSpot) November 2, 2017
It's day 2 of #Dinovember with Punkycephalosaurus! While known primarily for his devastating headbutt, he isn't afraid to take to the top ro pic.twitter.com/wuORn4N7WJ
— Botched Spot (@BotchedSpot) November 3, 2017
Day 3 of #Dinovember brings us to brontosaurus! Once believed to not actually exist, it now adorns itself with the tassels of fans who alway pic.twitter.com/SHvSg1U0nQ
— Botched Spot (@BotchedSpot) November 4, 2017
Today's #Dinovember wrestler is Protoceratops! Ever wonder why you don't see many masked ceratopsians? After a protoceratops added fake horn pic.twitter.com/mxN7hMhewc
— Botched Spot (@BotchedSpot) November 5, 2017
#Dinovember day 5 brings us to Compsognathus! Smaller dinosaurs were a rarer find in wrestling, partially due to not having the tiny equipme pic.twitter.com/I6N4IBNgGk
— Botched Spot (@BotchedSpot) November 6, 2017