Update Update
Hey y’all! About a month ago I mentioned that my wife broke her leg in a freak rock climbing accident (well, not so freaky… her leg just couldn’t handle a five foot fall) and mentioned that Botched Spot would go through some wonky scheduling issues. Well the good news is that her healing process is moving along very well so far, but the bad news is that the scheduling will still be wonky for a while yet. I’ve tried to stick to my Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule so far, but this week she starts physical therapy which involves a lot more work on her part and a lot more driving her around on my part, and long story short, the next few weeks will probably be more like two updates a week rather than three.
It will only be six weeks at worst, but I doubt it will even be that long. So I just wanted to let you all know so you’re not constantly checking back for that day’s update only to find nothing there. When I do update I’ll post a link on my twitter and facebook page to keep you all informed. Thanks for all your patience and being awesome for supporting Botched Spot! And to my Over Like Olav fans, part five IS COMING! It’s just an extra long montage scene that required a bit of research- imagine that!