Thoughts of 2008, December 22nd, 2008
Hey Everyone!
I hope you are all having a good end to 2008. Despite all the end of the year festivities, I plan to still plug along and produce strips through the holiday season. Is it because I am so devoted? Or perhaps I have no life? I’ll let you decide.
This strip starts a bunch of prediction strips I’ll be doing for the world of wrestling in 2009. Personally, I enjoyed 2008 as a wrestling fan. Of course when compared to the injury/ death/ Benoit plagued year of 2007 it couldn’t get much worse, but I think 2008 held up pretty well on its own merit. Some wrestlers became World Champs that many were never sure would make it. Jericho did a great job reinventing himself, being the heel that I think RAW really needed. And even though there were still a fair share of injuries, there still managed to be some good feuds like Edge vs. Undertaker and HBK vs. Jericho. Sure, there were some low points too, but overall nothing TOO bad, I don’t think. Well, maybe Mike Adamle, but at least that provided some good laughs.
As for what I’m looking forward to in 2009, I think since his comeback Orton has been better than ever so I’m eager to see how the Legacy comes out. Also Angle and Christian’s rumored interest to return to the WWE has me fairly interested in what’s coming up. Other than that though, I can’t say I have too much more to look forward to in wrestling. It’s still early, but I feel like so much happened in 2008, I don’t know what underdog to root for to win the big one in 09, or even really what the Wrestlemania card will be like.
I hoping for the best though, and don’t plan on stopping watching anytime soon. Thanks for reading, and happy holidays!