on May 10, 2009 at 11:33 pm
Hey everyone!
Thanks for all the positive feedback on the Olav’s Title History strips! I’m glad you’re all enjoying it so much, I’ve felt bad having been late on a few strips the past couple of weeks so it’s nice to know the updates are worth it when they are posted (by the way, Friday’s “Olav’s Title History 11” is up now and part 12 should be up Monday morning).
I’d also like to mention as I probably should have done a while back that my fiancee Lindsay took over coloring for me to help save me time back on “Olav’s Title History 7”. She enjoys it way more than I ever have and I think she’s better at it too, so I was happy to hand that job over to her!
And my last bit on info is that I will be attending Heroes Con in Charlotte, North Carolina, on June 19th through the 21st. I’m in a booth called Sorcery Studios with a group of friends from SCAD where we’ll be promoting our comics and stuff. In addition to promoting botchedspot, I’ll also be debuting a brand new web-comic I’m doing with my friend David Haines! Now I’m going to try and figure out if Virgil Wrestling Superstar will be at this con…