So some of you may have wondered in the past, “does James draw anything besides Botched Spot comics and Wrestlicious comics from that one time?” Well the answer is yes! I’ve worked on art for two different Role Playing Game books in the past year published by Hex Games. Hex Games is an awesome Roleplaying game company that established QAGS (the Quick Ass Game System) and put out such games as Hobomancer and All Stars.

Well for my artistic efforts I have been nominated for an OGRE award (Organization of Gamers and Roleplaying Enthusiasts) for best artist of 2012! So if you don’t mind going to the following link: and voting for me, it would go a long way to making me feel awesome. And if you’re feeling punchy and don’t want to vote for me, vote for my wife instead! Here is some examples of my artwork from Spy Racers and Hall of Cosmonauts. Thanks for your help!
