Spot the Difference Wednesday!
on September 12, 2012 at 8:00 am
Halfway through Botched Spot’s week dedicated to Randy Orton- and is it any surprise he won the Raw Active poll Monday night? Now let’s see how well you know Randy Orton, with this next game…
The is the best spot the difference ever, mainly because I guessed the answer correctly.
Curse you, James Hornsby!
… More please …
These pictures of Orton aren’t realistic – he’s much too animated in these pics.
Haha! I tuned into Smackdown today, and he friggin’ slapped a kid’s hand. I probably wouldn’t have thought twice about it if someone else did it, but because it was Orton, it seemed so rude 😐
Hahahahahahaahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahgahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahhhhahaaa!!!!! So truuuue
LOL I looked and looked and said hmm one must be a face and the other heel that was after 7 minutes staring at them.