In honor of the second Pro’s poll being revealed tonight on NXT, I am going to play along and show my own rankings for all the wrestlers.  My list doesn’t deviate too far from the first Pro’s poll, but there are some differences.  I came up with my rankings based mainly off of which wrestlers stood out the most and which I would like to see in the WWE in the future.

1.Daniel Bryan

Something about Daniel Bryan just clicks with me.  Like the fact that he’s awesome.  When I first heard about Bryan Danielson and his personality/ mic skills I thought he was going to be like The Great Khali on the microphone (without the accent), but he’s impressed me so far on all levels on the show.  Now if only they’d let him win a match…

2. Wade Barrett

Out of all of the NXT Rookies, Wade Barrett strikes me as the one who could most likely wind up as a main eventer.  He’s just got all the right elements in terms of size and personality, and has enough unique elements about him (he’s British!) in order to stand out.

3.Darren Young

So why is the Pro’s 8th ranked superstar number three on my list?  When people talk about a good heel as being someone you would pay to see beat up- that’s what Darren Young is to me.  Additionally, his interactions with CM Punk and the Straight Edge Society are one of the things that keep me interested in NXT.

4.Justin Gabriel

Honestly, rankings four, five, and six were a bit of a mix up for me and I kept switching them around until settling for this.  As far as high flyers go, Justin Gabriel is big enough to where I think he’d avoid the usual job duty that most high flyers are put on.  He’s also pretty over with the crowd and his accent keeps him distinct enough.

5. Skip Sheffield

Skip was probably my least favorite of the rookies when NXT started, but he’s slowly wound up more in my favor.  His character and catchphrases are usually the kind of corny over the top thing I hate in wrestling, but Skip does it with such sincerity I can’t help but kind of like them now.

6. David Otunga

I like Otunga’s character and gimmicks, but where as Skip seems sincere to me, I feel like the A-Lister is reading from a script.  The writing in his shaved head is unique, and the “A-List” lifestyle is a great gimmick for a heel, but I don’t think he’s doing it as well as the people who have done similar gimmicks in the past (like MVP).

7. Heath Slater

There’s nothing that I really dislike about Heath, but there’s nothing that I really like either.  He’s pretty much the textbook definition of a white meat babyface.  He’s kind of like the default create-a-wrestler in a video game, and with the same personality as well.  I don’t hate him, but there’s just really nothing that makes the one man rock band stand out to me.

8. Michael Tarver

Imagine a pitbull.  Now imagine that pitbull getting released from NXT.  Seriously, despite his bitchin’ shirts, Tarver hasn’t really done a whole hell of a lot on this show other than… do nothing.  If he came to the main roster of RAW or Smackdown I think he’d just blend in with all the other heels on the show.