Past Predictions
Making my 2010 predictions made me want to look back at my predictions for 2009 to see how well I did. Granted I make predictions for wrestling every year, but this was the first time I’ve had them posted in public. Will this give insight as to how true my 2010 predictions will be? Let’s see…
Kurt Angle and Christian return to WWE and TNA gets Snitsky.
Christian’s WWE return only makes this a third correct, so I’m going to have to say I pretty much missed this one. As I recall, there was a lot of speculation about Angle returning at the time and it sounded like a good move for him to me so I took a chance with my prediction. When Hulk Hogan gets all into TNA maybe it’ll drive Angle back to WWE in 2010. As far as Snitsky goes… wikipedia says he played a biker in a music video for Vyrus. No word if he’s still into feet.
“Next Generation Hart Foundation” debuts only to fall flat on WWE’s young audience.
I’m calling this one a hit. On RAW last Monday they did a pretty good job of showing Bret Hart’s relevance and the audience seemed receptive to him. I think even if young fans don’t know him they’ll understand why he’s important. Hopefully it’ll translate into something big for the Hart Dynasty, who up to this point have barely been on the radar (although I think they’re good).
Botchedspot changes after threats from WWE for copyright infringement.
A miss. Turns out million dollar companies have bigger things to worry about than me. Who knew?
So my predictions for 2009 were not so hot, although I think I took less risks for 2010. Morrison and Miz only getting in main events as lumberjacks? Probably. Miz is the bright spot of RAW for me lately (although going against Little People’s Court it’s not hard) and Morrison’s DVD is a must have. But I don’t think they’ll main event pay per views, at least not in a singles match.
ECW being rebranded is pretty much a given and I don’t think January 4th will reignite the Monday Night Wars, although I will be putting life on hold for those three hours. I’m planning on flipping back and forth between shows, probably watching mainly TNA but sticking with RAW when Bret’s on. I’m sure it’ll be a good night of wrestling though and hopefully set the pace for 2010.
I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and may all your predictions come true!
FIRST COMMENT…also I believe that you are correct in saying that this is a failing attempt at the Monday Night Wars. I thought it was a very bad move to make the very first night of Hulk being back to be on a Monday and go up against WWE. Also the way they have been talking about it so much kind of made WWE be able to get a quick move to get Bret back into the ring to go against the Hulkster. In my opinion TNA should have brought Hulk on for awhile then out of nowhere done the monday night one just announcing it a week or two before so that WWE would have no retaliation.