This was kind of my reaction to all of the message board postings that I saw about the Slammys being rigged.  Is anyone really that surprised?  It’s not like the WWE ever said that the awards would be based off of fan voting- or ANY voting for that matter.  And other than Kozlov, none of the winners gave me the feeling that they were shoving something down my throat.  If Cena and HHH won all the awards, then I’d feel a little different, but it seemed fairly spread out (although I do think that Santino got screwed).

Overall I thought the show was alright.  The high points for me were CM Punk and Miz and Morrison’s acceptance speeches.  However, nothing from the show even compared to the greatness that was yesterday’s news about Joey Styles punching out JBL.  Given that JBL is about three times the size of Styles, I’m a little skeptical of the news, but it’s really awesome if it’s true.  I don’t even hate JBL that much, it’s just a cool ‘revenge of the nerds’ type of story, but with forty year olds instead of teenagers.
