I really do like Kennedy.   But you think he might like to at least take a break from interviews after his whole steroid fiasco.  I know it’s been over a year since he lost all of his IWC support by sticking his foot in his mouth, but somehow I still cringe whenever I see that he’s done another interview.  Especially when he’s talking about his injuries.  I haven’t done a tally of all the injuries he’s suffered compared to everyone else, but it at least seems like he’s had more than the average superstar.  Maybe it’s just because of the horrible timing on all of them that his just stand out more.  I mean, missing out on a title run when he was Mr. Money in the Bank?  That’s seems worth a few injuries anyway.

However, if time proves him to be “snake bit”, I have to say that I think he’d be a pretty good backstage interviewer or possibly color commentator for the WWE.  I think his strong point is definitely his mic skills and it’d be a shame for them to go to waste if he couldn’t keep wrestling.  I guess I can keep getting my fix in his straight to DVD releases.

I do like him a lot though.  Enough to see “Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia”?  Eh… we’ll see.

Thanks for reading, and have fun watching the slammies.  Yay.
